We’ve been hearing a lot of good news lately related to Lolita, greyhounds,
vivisection, circuses, fur, seals and the Iditarod! Check out all the good news!
Huge news: For the first time in over 50 years, lone orca Lolita will no longer be forced to perform or be gawked at by strangers at the Miami Seaquarium. PETA is calling for this to be a first step toward her possible release into a seaside sanctuary.
The news comes after the U.S. Department of Agriculture granted a new exhibitor’s license to the company that bought the Miami Seaquarium, on the condition that it no longer publicly display Lolita or Lii, the dolphin she’s confined with. But we must keep the pressure on.
Please urge The Dolphin Company to act swiftly and move Lolita to a seaside
sanctuary, before she dies in her decrepit, tiny tank.
PETA enews, 3/4/22
Oregon has become the 42nd state to ban the cruelty of dog racing! Governor
Kate Brown just signed SB 1504, which also limits internet wagering on greyhounds. -
GREY2K USA Worldwide, 3/24/22 Huge Win For Greyhounds in Iowa As State’s Last Racetrack Officially Closes!
One Green Planet
Johns Hopkins University (JHU) experimenter Shreesh Mysore just lost his
license to kill barn owls in cruel brain-mangling experiments! He bred owls, cut
their skulls open, screwed and glued metal devices to their heads, clamped their eyes
open, and then restrained them for up to 12 hours. He then pelted them with lights and
sounds in order to disorient them, until their brains scrambled. When the birds couldn’t
take anymore, he’d kill them, because they’d be of no more use. He’d been torturing
owls in these ways since 2013. Mysore was bankrolled—to the tune of over $1.9 million
in taxpayer funds—by the National Eye Institute (NEI), a federal agency that’s part of
the National Institutes of Health.
PETA enews, 6/9/22
A huge victory saw France ban wild animals in circuses.
Colorado banned almost all traveling shows with wild animals.
ADI News, 1/31/22
Fashion house Oscar de la Renta is going fur-free! This move will prevent countless
minks, sables, and other fur-bearing animals from being electrocuted, gassed, or killed
in some other violent way.
PETA email, 2-26-22
Fashion brand Dolce & Gabbana has confirmed that it will ban fur and angora from
all future collections.
PETA email, 3/21/22
The AAD Shrine in Duluth, Minnesota, has announced that its annual circus will no
longer use elephants, tigers, or other exotic animals.
TBT, 2/11/22
A federal judge on Thursday restored protections to gray wolves in much of the
country, reversing a decision by the Trump administration that stripped Endangered
Species Act protections and exposed the animals to aggressive hunting in areas where
they were nearly killed off years ago.
PETA email, 12/19/21
In a surprising move and after many pleas from North Carolina residents, the Charlotte
City Council voted down a bullhook ban and instead banned wild-animal acts
altogether. This victory follows years of public advocacy and vigorous grassroots
action—which PETA assisted by alerting locals to take action and providing comments
arguing in favor of a ban on animal acts.
PETA email, 2/16/22
Grape King Bio—Taiwan’s largest biotechnology fermentation health food company,
known there for its popular energy drink— has banned animal tests!
PETA email, 11/6/21
Following years of pressure from PETA, including meetings as well as calls and e-mails
from hundreds of thousands of supporters like you, travel giant Expedia has stopped
selling tickets to SeaWorld and cruel “swim with dolphins” encounters!
Center for Biological Diversity, 4/7/22
Two Ice Seal Species in Alaska Win Habitat Protection -
Bearded seals and ringed seals depend on Arctic sea ice for their survival — ice
that’s melting due to climate change. Now, after nearly 15 years of advocacy by the
Center for Biological Diversity, NOAA Fisheries has admitted as much — and is
protecting critical habitat for these charismatic animals in the Bering, Chukchi
and Beaufort seas.
"Bearded and ringed seals could go extinct if we don’t dramatically
reduce greenhouse gas emissions and phase out Arctic oil and gas drilling.” The Center
petitioned to protect both species in 2008, and the Obama administration listed them in
2012. Federal courts have rejected oil-industry challenges to their protection.
And Finally...
Former Iditarod Sponsors bow out from supporting this horrific event: Millennium
Hotels and Resorts; Nutanix (a global computer software company)!