Dear Animal People, You know how you see signs at many places offering job opportunities, well we're no different. Only, we are; in the respect that we are offering volunteer positions, short or long term. Wouldn't it be thrilling to learn how to trap free roaming cats, so that they could have a life enhancing opportunity to be free of constant reproduction? We females get it. Some guys do also. We are working our darnedest to meet our quota of spay/neuter candidates every weekend, working to reduce the overpopulation of cats in Pinellas County; not because we don't like cats. No, we love cats! We want to make their lives better. We also want to help all those good Samaritans who are feeding all these reproducing cats; many who are on very limited income. They welcome our support once they hear about us. However, here's the problem. We have less trappers than we need for a successful trapping weekend. Before MEOW Now existed as the only approved TNVR organization in Pinellas County, I did trapping on my own when someone requested help. I had never done it before I was asked for help. I figured it out by watching the Alley Cat Allies web site & Neighborhood Cats. More and more people asked me for help so I took the next step. I co-foundered MEOW Now and we were off and trapping. Are there any good Samaritans out there that can lend us a hand once in a while or more often (once you get addicted, as I did)? You can learn on the spot by going out with one of our experienced trappers. Please take a look at this volunteer site: Form (hsforms.com) and consider giving a helping hand to these special "out on their own" cats (and their kittens). And do share this plea, as widely as humanely possible. Speaking for the cats, a BIG MEOW, MEOW THANK YOU. Hoping you will give it a try, I am Marilyn Weaver
Co-Founder & Board Member